
An academic scientist who made a big find is often congratulated for their luck and chance. Is it true, though, that new finds are gained by pure luck and chance? Well, it depends. It is a matter of preference as to how you perceive “veritas” or truth. If you mean by “finding truth” that pieces of truth are scattered with varying degrees of concealment so as to be found one by one by the seeker, and when all of the fragments have been discovered, they are rewarded with an integrated understanding of the whole truth of the universe, then, yes, you could say that the discovery happens out of pure luck. The way I see science, however, is not along this line of thinking.

My view is that the truth of science might not be found in an absolute, fixed, or unmodified form. Rather, it might be found as the fruit of collaboration; a collaboration which requires not only nature that is there but also humans pursuing to reach the truth of science. In other words, I assume that science and the truth of science have an evolving and organic nature. Because of this view, I always feel a special attraction to the act of “discovery”.

Through the process to a “discovery”, one would wish for good luck. I suppose, nonetheless, if he wants “somebody up there” (Vonnegut 1959) to really like him, he needs to have the right mindset to start with. In order to achieve many a discovery, I believe, one would need a forthright audacious attitude based on the sense of self-honesty and fairness as well as an inner affirmation that he is definitely in line with the truth of science. Furthermore, nature being limitless, scientists and indeed humans overall should need be able to adapt to various environments in a prompt and flexible manner.

Young and small, NFC is a team of people who make discoveries in the process of seeking fundamental truth and love to examine a trove of discoveries to identify prospective candidates that can lead to profitable businesses. We also promote discoveries beyond our team as well.

I tend to think that a person who has contradicting qualities, such as being stubborn yet nonchalant, may be well suited for a research and technology position. Looking at our directors in the office and those who support and cooperate with us, I notice that they have some quality in common; that is “complexity” in each individual’s existence although they are from all walks of life.

We are proudly a unique team. I would greatly appreciate your kind support to NFC.
Thank you for reading this passage.

Hiroshi Fukazawa
Managing Director
