- R&D
Research & Development
NFC is engaged in the research and development of materials necessary for human’s everyday lives in the modern world. We are also engaged in creating future materials for Advanced Technology Applications that can contribute to the space development business.
Currently, we are examining manufacturing activities to fiberize rocks and ashes, process this into particulates and then compounded, with a primary purpose of reducing the environmental burden.
We aim to take a leading role in invigorating various the industries by demonstrating the efficacy of the strategy of our company as an entrepreneurial venture pursuing collaborative research across industry, government, and academia.
An entrepreneurial venture working closely with universities
Prior to founding NFC, we studied the case of Battelle, a private nonprofit Applied Science and Technology development company based in Ohio. Battelle manages or co-manages a number of national laboratories besides their own on behalf of DOE and runs collaborative research and development work with various universities. Guiding the labs to better strategize their research and development missions, Battelle has a number of successful cases of commercialization.
We follow suit in terms of collaborations with universities. The knowledge acquired through the collaborations is compiled and creates various insights. With such studies, we measure value in terms of feasibility and viability, and disseminate new knowledge as necessary.
In all collaborative work at our company, the sense of accomplishment and the feeling of resonance that emerge when a new value is created are relished and relationships with all stakeholders valued. These are a staple for further value-creation activities for us.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
The University of Tokyo
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
Power Plants
The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre